Author Archives: dijifydevs

4 Financial support tools and allowances you could use in 2022/23

  As a small or medium sized business owner, there are a range of government support schemes you can access this tax year, to help you invest and grow in 2022/23.   1.        Employment Allowance – £5,000 claim for employers NI Employment Allowance is a tax relief that allows eligible businesses to reduce their employers […]

Repayment of tax overdue?…Have you received a SURF letter from HMRC?

Are you concerned that your repayment from HMRC is taking a long time? You may have been sent an HMRC “SURF” letter. Despite appearances, HMRC’s SURF1 and SURF2 letters from HMRC sent to taxpayers who are due a refund to check the genuineness of the refund claim.  The letter requests personal information from the taxpayer […]

Act Now – No new Furloughs after 10 June 2020

What’s changing? From 1 July, employers can bring back to work employees that have previously been furloughed for any amount of time and any shift pattern, while still being able to claim CJRS grant for their normal hours not worked. When claiming the CJRS grant for furloughed hours employers will need to report and claim […]