Author Archives: dijifydevs

Working safely during covid-19

The government has provided guidance for businesses on how to make workplaces as safe as possible during the CoronaVirus pandemic.  For more information on how your industry/workplace is affected please follow the relevant link below. Specific Guidance Construction and other outdoor work Factories, plants and warehouses Labs and Research Facilities Offices and contact centres Other […]

New Loan Scheme for small Businesses – Bounce Back Loans

The Bounce Back Loan Scheme will enable small businesses affected by the pandemic to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000 in an initiative described by the Chancellor as “an easy solution for those in need of smaller loans”. What is the benefit? Loans of between £2,000 & £50,000 are available to businesses. Businesses can apply for 25% of […]

How to claim your furlough cash – HMRC Portal is now open!

HMRC is now allowing agents (such as accountants who run your payroll) to make furlough claims for clients.  However, it’s not necessarily all plain sailing.  If you know you want to make a furlough claim, you need to start preparig now especially if you or your accountant does not have access to your business’ online […]

The Coronavirus Business Interuption Loan Scheme – Update

The government has got 40 banks to offer the loan scheme. It sounds good but we already think only the most robust of businesses will be successful in getting loans or overdrafts. What is the benefit? Loans of up to £5 million are available to businesses with terms up to 6 years. There is no […]

Grants for the retail, hospitality and leisure businesses and business rates relief

Grants for the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors What is the benefit? A grant (which does not have to be repaid): of up to £10,000 for eligible businesses wiich pay rates on properties up to a rateable value of £15,000 of up to £25,000 for properties with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000 Eligibility […]

Government support for the Self Employed

The governement has launched a Self Employed Income Support Scheme which is running for 3 months (from March to the end of April). Who is eligible? Self employed people (individuals, partners) who filed a 2018/19 self assessment income tax return, People who earn a majority of their income from self employment People with self employment […]

Covid-19: Defer VAT payments and income tax Payments-On-Account

VAT payment deferral Businesses do not need to pay VAT liabilities arising in the period from 20 March 2020 to 30 June 2020.  Businesses will have until the end of the 20/21 tax year to make any payments deferred under the scheme.  To be on the safe side, we think you should assume that the […]