Alternative to Intuit QuickBooks Desktop

In October 2021, Intuit QuickBooks announced it was discontinuing QuickBooks Desktop support and updates for its UK customers, citing compliance changes and a shift in UK product development focus.

The move echoes a wider shift in the accounting software industry, as established desktop vendors seek to establish and support one cloud platform rather than having to regularly update multiple versions of desktop software.

Initially scheduled for 31 January 2023, Intuit pushed the discontinuation back to 30 June 2023 in response to users’ demands for more time. With this revised deadline fast approaching, Moorgate is pleased to offer users of QuickBooks Desktop a viable alternative, offering greater financial control and Making Tax Digital for VAT compliance.

Join forces with a Gold Partner

Moorgate are Gold partners with a number of market leading accounts software providers and have a skilled team of accounts professionals, who would be pleased to talk to you and discuss the service options available.

Don’t leave your future to chance – allow us to help with a trusted, easy to use, cloud based accounting system, designed to grow alongside your business. Access real time insights into key business performance indicators for a view of your business that truly reflects its current status. Our software packages, teamed with expertise and a personal account manager, allow you to share access to your latest business figures with your team and accountant, from work, from home or on the go.

If you are considering your next software move in light of the QuickBooks desktop changes, we would be pleased to advise you. Please do call or email a member of our accounts team for more information and see how we can help you.

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